I am a divorce and family law lawyer in Venice, Florida and represent clients throughout Sarasota, Charlotte, and Manatee, County.
Family law problems are, by their very nature, incredibly difficult and deeply personal problems. But with the help of the legal system, the vast majority of family law problems can be resolved just like any other problem. My goal is to leverage my experience and the legal system to effectively represent my clients and to resolve their family law problems.
I represent clients in a variety of family law matters, including:
- Divorces
- Uncontested Divorces
- Collaborative Divorces
- Stepparent Adoptions
- Adult Adoptions
- Prenuptial Agreements
- Postnuptial Agreements
- Name Changes
Every client’s situation is different, but I generally advocate mediating rather than litigating a divorce. This is a lower stress and lower cost approach to marital disputes where both parties work with lawyers and accountants on the financial aspects of a case, and then work with a family law mediator to assist the parties in resolving their disputes. If both sides cooperate this is generally a much easier solution to traditional divorce litigation. This approach saves parties time, money, and stress while still providing the resolution and closure that they need.
Of course every case is different and in some instances mediation is not the answer, but many people don’t realize that there can be an alternative to divorce litigation. I am happy to assist you in exploring your options, to decide on the best strategy that meets your specific needs.
Every case is handled by me personally. While I can’t promise specific results, I do promise to provide aggressive, compassionate, and personal service to protect your rights and represent your best interests.
Please feel free to contact me by phone (941-882-4367) or email (dan@danpolicastrolaw.com) at any time to set up a consultation and discuss your family law needs.