You are reading this article because you are considering having your name legally changed in the State of Florida. Maybe you have recently been divorced and did not restore your name at the end of the divorce. Or perhaps you have a different reason. After 9-11, the Florida DMV has tightened their regulations regarding renewing driver’s licenses, and I am getting an increasing number of clients who are contacting my office after having problems renewing their Florida driver’s license.
There is no doubt that you have questions, including: “How long does a name change take?” “What are the requirements for a name change in Florida?” and of course there is the all-important, “How much will it cost?”
My goal is to answer all of those questions for you in this article.
Before we get too far into this, I want to mention that I am a name change lawyer in Venice, Florida. Name changes are part of my family law practice. I regularly represent clients with family law matters, including name changes, in Venice, Sarasota, and the surrounding area.
Sarasota County happens to be part of the 12th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida so this article will discuss getting a name changed within the 12th Judicial Circuit. The rules for each circuit may be a little different so it’s important to keep that in mind.
The Basic Idea
Basically, to get your name changed you need to file what is called a Continue reading →